Author Topic: iPhone Grid Refernce App - GPS2OS  (Read 6401 times)


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iPhone Grid Refernce App - GPS2OS
« on: April 10, 2012, 09:18:55 PM »
I went for a local potter on Monday and tested this iPhone App on the wife's phone, against my Garmin.

Using 6 figure references, it agreed with the Garmin on all 4 readings that I took. A useful back up tool for 67p! Also gives a static google map view, and also populates a text with the  information, ready to go.

I also tested the Android app that John recommended in this section, and this was also accurate on all 4 readings.

Test area was close to Coventry and in mostly open country side.


Lyle Brotherton

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Re: iPhone Grid Refernce App - GPS2OS
« Reply #1 on: April 11, 2012, 09:31:39 AM »
Another app you may be interested in testing with me Paul.

Yesterday I heard about an Australian app, called Mud Map, that looks really interesting.

From a massive array of third party maps from across the world, it integrates road data and topographical maps data so that road routes to your walk can be planned and displayed at the same time giving ON and OFF ROAD navigation simultaneously.

For the UK, it combines NAVTEQ™ road maps, Ordnance Survey maps and Google Maps, and downloads these to your iPhone so you don’t need internet access when navigating, and cleverly it only uses the maps you need for the physical area you are in, making managing a big store of maps easy.

Also the app is smart enough to keep tracking, even while the iPhone is in sleep mode, (very neat) which really extends the iPhone battery life.

After your journey, you wirelessly upload your trip data to an online cloud based server, and from there you can see your trip in 3D from any MAC or PC, plus of course post it on the web or email it to friends/colleagues.

Looks promising.
“Opinion is the medium between knowledge and ignorance” - Plato


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Re: iPhone Grid Refernce App - GPS2OS
« Reply #2 on: April 11, 2012, 12:50:55 PM »
Just watched the You Tube demo, looks very interesting Lyle. Unfortunately, the iPhone belongs to the wife, I'll see if I can talk her into it….

I’m beginning to think I bought the wrong phone. I thought Android would do well, but so far the iPhone seems to have the best apps. One of my other interests is music/guitar and some of the apps are very good.  I can’t admit it yet, or the Daughter will have a field day with ‘I told you so’ :)