Handheld Satnavs (GPS)

Marking areas of danger using satnav (GPS)
Utilising the accuracy a satnav provides to record a track around an area of danger and transposing this information to a map.

Setting up (configuring) a handheld satnav (GPS) for the first time
How to ensure that a newly purchased second-hand satnav is ready for use in the field.

Starting your walk/journey using your handheld satnav (GPS)
The steps you should take with your satnav device at the start of every journey.

Setting up (configuring) the Track Log on a handheld satnav (GPS)
Key information used to log journey details.

Creating and navigating to a waypoint using your handheld satnav
How to log a waypoint on a satnav and then easily navigate back to that point.

Using Trackback on a handheld satnav (GPS)
How to use the satnav Trackback function to save and then retrace your route.

Different types of satnav
Different types of satnav, how their aerials function and how best to hold them.