Been dipping into the book for a number of weeks now rather than reading it from cover to cover in one hit. So am definitely starting to regard it as my "one stop shop" for all things navigational.
Prior to this it would be a touch of, "I wonder what xxxx says about this?" and having to wander through a pile of books and mags to collect info and ideas. As Lyle has said, his book is a work in progress that will evolve over time and with the amount of material he must have left out we could be heading for an encyclopaedia of navigation rather than a bible.
This book was long over due, stuff that was already on the market being very limited in quality and content. I can think of only one other book, by a recent star of a tv prog, that I would recommend to anyone prior to this.
There may be things in the book that people have picked up on that are errors or whatever, but they occur in every new publication, so I've not looked at it in that light.
Coupled with this forum I hope that will grow into a great resource for us for all things navigational.