John C wrote:"Lyle, can you also text to 112? if so, do you need to register on that number as well as 999?"
John the texting service is only available using the number 999 – there are no plans currently to change this. The system is an evolution of a similar one that was initially offered to people with speech or hearing difficulties. It was firstly made available to the public in Scotland, aimed at mountaineers and hill walkers, as the ability of the BT & C&W EOCC (Emergency Operator Centres) was limited if there is a mass response to 999 texting. Subsequently it has been rolled out across the UK yet interesting not widely advertised, I suspect capacity may still be an issue for the EOCs
Callum wrote:
"We have a ski trip planned to France and I was wondering if you know if other countries have the texting service to contact the emergency services and if so how you register?"
In Holland it was made available for people with a speech or hearing difficulty in July this year, and is being run as a pilot until July 2013, after which a decision will be made if it is to be rolled out to the general public.
I will contact the various SAR organisations I have worked with across the world to establish where there are similar text services available, what you have to do to register and what number you have to use and will publish them on the forum, in a new thread under the Emergency & Emergency Equipment heading, as and when I receive replies. I will then compile all of this information into a PDF file that folk can download.
Any Forum members living overseas your help would be greatly appreciated.