Equipment > Satnav (GPS GLONASS COMPASS Galileo)
Rechargeable AA batteries at lower temperatures
Obviously non-rechargeable lithium batteries are a must in really cold temperatures, but do any rechargeable NiMH AA batteries stand out as better than others when the temperature starts dropping below 15 degrees?
Hugh Westacott:
Would that be 15° centigrade or fahrenheit, and is it possible that a minus sign is missing?
I grow old...I grow old, I shall wear the bottom of my trousers rolled. T.S.Eliot
That is +15C. I have noticed that performance is affected already at temperatures below room temperature to become really bad when nearing or passing below zero and I wonder if any brand is better than others regarding outdoor temperatures.
Hugh Westacott:
Good heavens, Krenaud, I had no idea that the performance of re-chargeable NiMH batteries declined at just below room temperature.
But as the temperature in the UK never reaches 15C, none of us would have noticed!
I grow old...I grow old, I shall wear the bottom of my trousers rolled. T.S.Eliot
I use Sanyo (I think it's been taken over by Panasonic now) Eneloop rechargables in my GPS and I've not noticed any problems using it at temperatures down to around -3C - to be clear I haven't found that there are problems below that temperature, I just haven't taken it anywhere where the temperature is below that!
The batteries aren't the cheapest but they tend to get top user reviews everywhere.
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