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Messages - Lyle Brotherton

Pages: 1 ... 61 62 [63]
New Member Introductions / Re: Hello
« on: September 11, 2011, 08:08:43 PM »
Hi Jungle, John-C & Wongo. You folk are at the beginning of something I sincerely anticipate will grow into something very different, a Forum where like-minded navigators, from all parts of the globe and with all levels of experience, share best practice, hands-on know-how with different pieces of kit and make new friends. Thank you!

About this Forum / WELCOME TO THIS FORUM
« on: September 11, 2011, 11:13:09 AM »
Welcome to the very beginning of this forum. This Forum is somewhere that I really would like navigatorsof all experiences, to share best practice and, forgive my jingoism, but make it a centre of excellence for land navigation. At the end of the day it will be your forum so fire in ideas and subjects please.

This forum is no longer active, however, it is maintained as an educational resource for those interested in navigation.

About this Forum / Looking for like-minded navigators to join me
« on: September 11, 2011, 11:06:17 AM »
I am looking for fellow navigators to work with me running the forum, building an on-line navigation community, and would be pleased to hear from any of you who would like further details. Your navigational expertise is less important than your enthusiasm.

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